- Global elites urge eating cactus and seaweed to save the planet
- Inflation causing 25% of Americans to delay retirement
- Shoulda been a lifeguard
- Gas prices reach record high
-Recession confirmation?
Trades settled in commodities?
Fuel prices continue to rise
Excessive Credit Card Debt to Lead to Spending Pullback- Goldman
Schiff: The Fed’s ‘Hold My Beer’ Moment
A Mean Reversion Study
All the Economic Choices Are Bad Ones
Commodities Continue to Soar
Stocks Continue to Decline
Used Car Prices – Have They Peaked?
Is Stagflation Here?
A Perspective on Recession
Is Liquidity Addiction the Reason Markets Are Falling?
Real Estate, Is the Top Here?
Stocks Have a Rough Week and a Rough Month
IMF Director Lets the Truth Slip Out
Commodity Prices Continue to Surge
Preview of May Special Report
First Quarter Numbers May Indicate a Recession and Market Top in Stocks and Real Estate; Banking Weakness
US Treasuries and the US Dollar – Weakness
Move Away from the US Dollar Continues – An Alternative Reserve Currency Being Openly Discussed
Biden Opens Federal Lands to Oil and Gas Drilling
Countermove - Russia’s Move to Link the Ruble to Gold
What this Move Might Mean for the US Dollar
Macleod on Possible Implications
Ruble Now Stronger vs US Dollar
More Inflation Signs
Consumer Sentiment Lowest in a Decade
Yield Curve Inverts, Recession Now Inevitable?
History Tells Us How This Movie Ends - A More In-Depth Look at a Prior “Headline Roundup” Webinar
Is Recession Imminent – Icahn
Schiff on Fed Policy
German Inflation Nearly Off the Charts
As Reported Previously Real Estate Begins to Slow
Student Loan Update
Gas Prices Rise at Fastest Rate on Record