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Is Recession Imminent – Icahn Schiff on Fed Policy German Inflation Nearly Off the Charts As Reported Previously Real Estate Begins to Slow Student Loan Update Gas Prices Rise at Fastest Rate on Record

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The End of the PetroDollar? How the PetroDollar Came to Be (Preview of the April “You May Not Know Report”) Rickards on Russian Sanctions and the US Dollar Larry Lepard – Crack-Up Boom?

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Von Greyerz – Current Events Perspective Oblivious, the Washington Politicians Pass a Monstrous $1.5 trillion spending bill Consumer Sentiment Expectations Fall While Inflation Expectations Rise Yellen, Expect “Uncomfortably High” Inflation for Another Year Jim Rogers on Russian Sanctions and the US Dollar

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-Inflation Turning to Hyperinflation? -I Warned About This Possible Policy Response Last Month -Stockman on the Fed and the National Debt -Are We in a Recession Now?

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-Ironically, Russian Economic Sanctions Moving India Away from US Dollar -Gas Prices to Move Higher -Rickards on the US Dollar -Is Inflation Due to Greedy Corporations? -Fed to Slow Taper?

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-Piepenburg Perspective on Inflation -Where Interest Rates Have to Be to Effectively Fight Inflation -Lumber Prices Back at All-Time Highs -Michael Snyder on Inflation

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-An Inflation Perspective -Will We Soon See Price Controls? -Price Controls and History -Inflation is Changing the Buying Habits of Consumers

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February 2022 – Stock Update: Is the crash upon us?

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Another Housing Update Higher Bacon Prices a Result of Unintended Consequences? Anatomy of a Bubble Insider Stock Sales Update Best and Worst Retirement States What Did the Fed Really Say Last Week?

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Housing Update Stock Update Grantham on Stocks Fed Releases Report on Digital Dollar Interesting Gold Development An Interesting Federal Reserve Perspective It’s What They Do, Not What They Say Robots Being Increasingly Used by Small Business

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